This roundtable discussion will highlight changes made to RadSite ADI Standards for CT, MRI, and Nuclear Medicine (version 3.6). The webinar will review many of the substantive changes made to the RadSite Standards over the last 18 months, in addition to other accreditation review updates.


  • Mark Casner, MBA, Accreditation Committee Chair


  • Julie Irons, HIA, HCSA, RadSite Director of Accreditation
  • Eliot Siegel, MD, RadSite Standards Committee Chair
  • Phillip W Patton, PhD, CHP, DABR, DABSNM, RadSite Chief Physicist Officer and Director of Diagnostic Radiation Physics President, LBT Radiation Physics

Date & Time:

Wednesday, May 8 at 1:00 PM ET

Please register to view the recorded webinar: