Houston, TX and Annapolis, MD | PRWeb | August 7, 2012RadSite™, a leading provider of assessment and accreditation services in the imaging industry, is pleased to announce that its programs can qualify as a quality improvement activity under the new Medical Loss Ratio (MLR) requirements according to a recently published White Paper. RadSite’s quality-benchmarking activities cover the full spectrum of imaging modalities in all types of clinical settings.

RadSite understands that the continued implementation of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) is raising many questions by the health insurance industry regarding the MLR requirements. The new MLR regulations require health insurers to spend 85% or more of total premiums in the large-group market, or 80% or more of total premiums in the small group or individual market, on “reimbursement for clinical services provided to enrollees” or “for activities that improve health care quality.” As a result, health insurers are limited to spending 15% in the large group market or 20% in the small group on non-claims costs such as administrative overhead.

“Knowing that health plans and other clients impacted by the MLR requirement can pay for the RadSite programs through the larger clinical/quality bucket versus the smaller administrative bucket is important on several levels. First, the White Paper verifies that the RadSite Assessment Program meets key MLR requirements by improving health outcomes in an objective fashion. Secondly, the costs of paying for the program are tied with the direct provision of health care services. In part, this is due to the focus by RadSite on making sure that evidenced-based practices are being used by imaging providers.”

Founded in 2005, RadSite’s mission is to promote quality imaging systems across the United States and its territories. RadSite has reviewed over 24,000 imaging facilities covering about 60,000 imaging systems. RadSite continues to be one of the fastest growing and well-respected organizations promoting patient safety practices across the United States. Currently, RadSite offers several different certification and accreditation programs that can be customized for each health insurance carrier.

“RadSite’s safety program is designed to include all safety regulatory functions under a single national program ensuring that all accredited programs demonstrate the maximum in safety initiatives,” says Dr. William Orrison, RadSite’s chief medical officer. “Keeping the radiation dose to patients and health care personnel as low as reasonably achievable is of paramount importance.”

While RadSite’s programs can reduce costs, they were formed under the premise of improving quality and safety and the fact that they also qualify under the MLR are an added bonus to insurance issuers across the country.

For a free copy of the new RadSite MLR White Paper, please click here. The White Paper was authored by Cherrill Farnsworth, the chairperson of RadSite’s Advisory Board and peer reviewed by Epstein, Becker and Green, P.C., one of the premier health law firms in the U.S. Click on the publications tab to download the analysis.


About RadSite™ (http://www.radsitequality.com)

Founded in 2005, RadSite’s mission is to promote quality-based practices for imaging systems across the United States and its territories. RadSite has reviewed over 24,000 imaging facilities covering about 60,000 imaging systems. RadSite’s certification and accreditation programs help assess, track and report imaging trends in an effort to enhance imaging procedures and outcomes. RadSite also offers educational programs, publishes issue briefs, and underwrites research on a complimentary basis to raise awareness of patient safety issues and to promote best practices. The organization is governed by an independent board and committee system, which is open to a wide-range of volunteers to ensure transparency and accountability. RadSite is expanding its activities and resources to serve patients, providers, payers, government agencies, and other stakeholder groups. To learn more about RadSite, please contact us at (855) 440-6001 or info@RadSiteQuality.com